Parish Staff
Fr. Michael Williams (Pastor)
Phone: (989) 224-8994
Deacon Marvin Robertson (Retired)
Phone: (989) 224-8994
Deacon Jerry Fust
Phone: (989) 224-8994 ext. 122
Deacon Eric Elstro
Phone: (989) 224-8994 ext. 123
Jen Nelson Director of Religious Education (DRE)
Phone: (989) 224-8537 ext. 109
Amanda Grigar, Director of Adult Faith Formation
Phone: (989) 224-8994 ext. 104
Jeff Richards Music Director
Phone: (989) 224-8994 ext. 121
Christopher Wells School Principal
Phone: (989) 224-2421 ext. 2104
Susan Mahoney Business Manager
Phone: (989) 224-8994 ext. 102
Judi Thelen Parish Secretary
Phone: (989) 224-8994 ext. 101
Paul Atchley – Maintenance
Phone: (989) 224-8994 ext .110